Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, hope you enjoy these old valentines.

It was a big day for a kid back in the early 60's - we couldn't wait to address our valentines.  There was always a special one for the teacher, a special one for that best friend, and then of course - the most special one for your sweetheart.  We would slip those little heart candies into the envelopes too, making sure what it said fit who you were giving it to.  I still love these cards, the sweet little rhymes made them all the more special.  Hope you have a special day with your "valentine".

1 comment:

kaylorscottage said...

I love all these old vintage valentine cards,,,remember when we were younger =;) and we had to decorate a shoe box---what fun & good memories...thanks for sharing the valentine cards ♥